partner is many things, your family who supports your time afield,
your hunting buddy that drops from his stand early to help you drag
a deer, the landowner who lets you hunt their land, the lab that
will sprint across an iced over corn field after a lone bird, the
Conservation Department for their sincere focus on improving this
state's natural resources - the list goes on and on.
commonly forgot though is the great folks who make careers out of
improving the equipment we use in the field, the volunteer organizations
who spend endless hours donating time and money for the further
good of their cause and the folks who provide further opportunity
to get in the field by managing land and game on our behalf.
page is a tribute to the HeartlandHunters partners; each logo below
represents an organization, a manufacturer or website that has impacted
our lives in some fashion. We hope you'll take a few minutes to
visit their websites so they can likewise impact yours.