6th - National Wild Turkey Federation, Osage Gobblers, Westphalia KC Hall, Westphalia, Mo Call Steve (573) 897-2211

10th- 11th - MO Youth Spring Turkey Season

13th - "Fly Tying Nights" 6:30pm at Lone Wolf Coffee Co. for more info www.lonewolfcoffeecompany.com

18th - St. Louis Bow Hunters 3D Shoot at The Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis

18th - Shriners 5 Stand Shoot, St. Louis Skeet and Trap Club, Pacific, Mo Call Bob (314) 892-2666

19th - MO Spring Turkey Season opens

24th - Fish For Sight Buddy Bass Tournament Concord Village Lions Club, Truman Lake, www.fishforsight.org

30th - Missouri Paddle Fish Season Closes





































