Pro Staff : Steve Bemke and Brett Grimm
Date: 03/12/2011
Game: Pheasant and Chukar
Location: Dittmer, Missouri |
Pro Staff : Steve, Brett Grimm and Their Dad's
Date: 09/25/2009
Game: Pheasant and Chukar
Location: Dittmer, Missouri |
Pro Staff : Matt, Joe, Jerry, Mark
Date: 09/01/2009
Game: Mourning Dove
Location: Clark County Missouri
Staff : Brett Grimm
Date: 6/22/2009 thru
Game: Picazuro and
Spotted Pidgeon
Location: "The
Chaco" Paraguay, Picazuro Lodge |
Staff : Matt, Brett Grimm and Steve
Date: 1/25/2008
Game: Pheasant,
Chukar, Quail
Location: Wil-Nor
Hunt Club, Dittmer, Mo

Pro Staff : Brett Grimm
Browning 20 guage White Lightning, O/U
Date: May 24th thru
May 31 2008
Game: Perdiz
and Doves
Location: Uruguay,
South America |

Pro Staff : Brett Grimm
Browning 20 guage White Lightning, O/U
Date: September
29 thru Oct 2nd
Game: Sharp
Tail Grouse, Sage Grouse and Pheasant
Location: Miles
City, Montana

Staff : Matt, Brett Grimm, Steve, Joe, Jason, James,
Kelly, Mark
Date: 2/21/2009
Game: Pheasant,
Chukar, Quail
Location: Quail
Haven Hunt Club, Perry IL
