When the air changes in autumn of each year and the leaves begin to change color, and the waterfowl begin to stage for migration, I feel it. When the deer and the elk begin to rut and stir restlessly as the breeding season begins, I feel the change and I begin to change as well.

Starting at the age of 10 with my Revelation 16 gauge single shot shotgun that my dad bought me, I began my hunting adventures. As the excitement of hunting hit me, I was hooked on all animals, big or small; I wanted to hunt them all! The challenge of outwitting the animal on their own terms is what brings me back to the woods each and every time, to know that the next day will bring something completely different from the last. Testing my skill against theirs.

I've hunted turkeys, ducks, deer, rabbits, squirrels and various other game in MO, Prairie chickens, pheasants, quail in KS, pheasant, quail in IA, hogs in TX, mule deer, antelope in WY, buffalo in SD, mule deer in NE.

I’m an avid outdoorsman, love nature and respect what mother nature has to offer. Being part of the HH Field Staff would be a great opportunity for me to show what I have to offer in the way of how I hunt and to show off my passion for the outdoors. I'm a person of few words, but would rather have my actions speak for me, I don't brag about what I do, but would rather show you my results.

I hunt because I'm a hunter, you can't explain it. Nothing would keep me from it, that's all that needs to be said.

