Emmett and Bob hunted in the Peace River Country, in North Western Alberta Canada, with Mick Maverick of Maverick Waterfowlers, www.mickmaverick.com. Emmett described the countryside as a rich, rolling farmland, dotted with many lakes, sloughs and potholes, the location is in a primary staging area for geese and ducks at the beginning of their southern migration. The fall months are the peak times to hunt migrating Geese and Ducks in this area. The weather was great; the night-time ground frosts seemed to bring the air alive with birds. Flock after flock of Northern Canada Geese and Ducks would arrive to add to local waterfowl broods. The huge numbers of birds were set to the task of feeding. Both Geese and Ducks would fly out early each morning to feed in surrounding farm fields, most are back to raft on the water by mid morning, and out in the fields again to feed in late afternoon. On our morning hunts we were set-up well before sunrise. Taking along a field breakfast and cooler we would hunt until late morning or until we limited out, then returning to base for a hot lunch and an opportunity for a nap, to relax, or to rest on the observation deck watching the diverse group of waterfowl across the magnificent landscape. Around mid afternoon we are off on our afternoon hunt, either in the field or over water. We would return after dark to a delicious, home-cooked supper, showers and off to bed to rest up for the next morning's hunt.