14th - National Wild Turkey Federation, Rhine Valley, St. George Church, Hermann, Mo Call Lyndon (573) 294-7189 19th - QDMA Gateway Branch Banquet, Andre's West for tikets or more info contact Keith at gatewayqdma@sbcglobal.net 21st - NWTF at Grant's Farm, Meet Micheal Waddell, sponsored by Adolphus A. Busch IV, go to www.heartlandhunters.com/2010 NWTF Busch Summer Aution.htm 21st - Central Missouri SCI Auction and Banquet, St. Peter Church, Fulton, MO. for more info or tickets contact Walter (573) 220-1758 29th - St. Louis Bow Hunters 3D Shoot at The Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis