1st - National Wild Turkey Federation, St. Louis Longbeards, Oakville Elks Lodge. Call Mitch (314) 496-4180 or tbnwtf@earthlink.net 4th-7th - The Longest non-stop river race in the world, The Missouri 340 river race Kansas City to St. Louis, www.rivermiles.com 14th-16th - NRA Training Counsler Workshop, by Armed Missouri Inc. www.armedmissouri.com 15th - National Wild Turkey Federation Banquet, St. George Church, Hermann, Mo. Call Lyndon Ruediger (573) 294-7189 15th - Conservation Federation of Missouri Sporting Clays at River Hills in Boonville, Mo Call Tom at (573) 657-2581 20th - Quality Deer Management Gateway Banquet, Fenton, Mo, Andre's West, contact Jeff Harnden (314) 348-0398 22nd - NWTF Hunting Heritage at Grant's Farm, The Busch Family Mansion www.heartlandhunters.com/NWTF.htm 23rd - St. Louis Bow Hunters 3D Shoot at The Bench Rest Rifle Club of St. Louis