Eastern Wild Turkey
Weapon/Ammo: 12 ga. Remmington 11-87 with #4 Shot
Date: April 19th
Location: Laclede County, Mo

The morning started off with five hens, a jake and a tom that flew down into a bean field in front of Me. The tom was fanned out and
struted back and forth while the hens pecked at whatever they could find. The jake just followed the tom around and never fanned, because he knew who was boss. This was happening about 120 yards from my 3 decoys (two hens and a tom). As the hens walked away, the tom either heard the Knight & Hale slate call and/or spotted the 3-decoys accross the field. After a few light calls he came accross the field with the jake not far behind him and when he got about 7-10 yards from the decoys he started running and hit the tom broadside. When he came out from behind the decoy I made that jake one happy turkey.
Mike's Tom weighed 23 1/2lbs had an 11 1/8in beard with 1 1/8 and 1 inch spurs respectivly.