Eastern Wild Turkey
Weapon: Remington Super Magnum 12 Guage
Ammo: Nitro Turkey 5 Shot 3"
Call: Tru-Tone Double Slate
Date/Time: April 20th 2009, 10:52am

good friend, and Heartland Hunter pro-staffer, Matt and I headed
north to my property the weekend before the opening day of turkey
season. Our plan was to do a little fishing then top it
off with some turkey hunting. Unfortunately, the weather
was not cooperative for the fishing part.
At 5am Matt and I woke up and began the process of getting gear
together… 5 in the morning things take much longer
than expected. We awoke to clear skies and bright stars…..not
a cloud in sight and a very slight wind. The temp was in
the low to mid 40's.
Our plan was that I was going to hunt our cabin property and Matt
was going to hunt a farm we call Bono’s… is an
80 acre tract that we lease. I dropped Matt off then made my journey
over to our cabin. My plan was to climb in the condo blind
and listen then go after the closest gobbler I heard. Well,
I didn't even get half way to the condo and the first gobbler
sounded off. He was real close so I took out after him.
I snuck in the woods as far as I dared then set up the decoy.
Unfortunately, once the gobblers went off roost they shut
up…..I could never find them. I walked draw after
draw looking for turkeys and mushrooms….I didn’t
find either.
At about 9am I headed back to the truck to strip off some clothes
and try another piece of property that is about 1 mile away from
the cabin…..a place we call Danny's. This place is
mostly cow pasture with one draw of open hardwoods, that we call
it the bowl, with cedars to the east and north. We have
a 6ft x 6ft blind at the top of this bowl.
I got over to Danny's at about 9:30am or so and crawled up in
the blind. By this time the wind had picked up to a level
that made it hard to hear, and the wind was blowing right in my
face. After I got in the blind I pulled out the Tru-Tone
slate on slate and went through a series of clucks and yelps…..nothing
responded. I waited a few minutes later and did another
series…..nothing. I figured that because of the wind
the gobblers were held up in the cedars behind and were not going
to come out. The wind became fierce and made it nearly impossible
to hear anything.
A half an hour or so had passed and to my left I saw a deer come
out of the cedars. I grabbed the call and went through another
series of calls to see if the deer could hear it……it
could not but just seconds after I quit I heard a gobble.
The wind was in my face and the gobble came from behind me so
I knew it had to be relatively close to hear it. This property
is relatively close to rail road tracks and shortly after I heard
the first gobble a train went by and the bird sounded off at the
train. I waited about 5 minutes and hit the call again,
he responded. I waited a few more minutes and he sounded
off again. After a few times of this I realized that the
turkey was not getting any closer.
At about 10:30 or so I looked to my left and saw 4 more deer come
out of the cedars and get in the bowl. I grabbed the call,
clucked a few times and he answered, but was still in the same
spot. I put the call down and told myself that he knows
where I am at. He will either show up or he will not. I
continued to watch the deer as they made their way down to the
bottom of the bowl. When they got to the bottom is was about
10:45 or so. I had not heard the bird the whole time.
I couldn't take it any longer so I grabbed the call and clucked
a few times. He immediately answered…….the
gobble was extremely close…..I looked over my right shoulder
and there he was full strut at 40yds, at least. I could
not tell how long of beard he had…..all I cared about was
that he was a legal bird. Now here was the problem….I
am right handed and he came out to my right, and my gun was propped
up in my blind on the left side. I had to get down below
the walls of the blind to get into position… was a
bit tricky. He had is head behind a tree so I was able to
get the gun out the blind, but then he was sideways behind a tree.
I made a few soft yelps with the call and he puffed up but did
not turn. I waited a few more seconds hoping he would turn
but didn't. I clucked a few more times and he turned facing
me and it was a clear shot. I wasn't sure if my gun was
good out to that yardage but I had nothing to lose. I couldn't
wait any longer because he was starting to figure things out.
I put the bead on the base of his neck and squeezed the
trigger. Down he went, the shot was lethal.
This was definitely a hunt I will never forget. I consider
this my first turkey but actually it is my second. On my
first bird all I had to do was pull the trigger… uncle
did the rest. This bird I called in myself and I made a
quality shot under pressure. I am hooked for life!
Wild Turkey
10.5" Beard
1 Inch Spurs
25 lbs.
Score: 66.00